
All the information regarding the system is stored in a configuration file. The default configuration file is stored in your home directory: ~/.acpy/api.config but you can specify a different location from the command line with the -c option.

If no configuration file is found, it will copy an example configuration file in ~/.acpy/api.config. The example contains placeholders for all required values.

General settings

The following parameters are available as general settings:

  1. CORS can be enabled, by default it is disabled
  2. secret for Flask, autogenerated when the config file is created
  3. port for the api, default is 8080
  4. run_time stores the runtime information in a file, default is ~/.acpy/

Logging settings

The following parameters are available for logging:

  1. log_file specifies the location of the logfile, default is ~/.acpy/acpy.log. If left empty, no log file is generated.
  2. max_bytes is the maximum size of a logfile before it is rotated, default is 2.5MB.
  3. backup_count is the maximum amount of logfiles to keep of max_bytes, default is 5.

The admin account

The default admin account behaves as a service account:

  1. access is the access code for the admin account (analog to username)
  2. secret is the secret code for the admin account (analog to password) the password needs to be passed as sha256.

JWT token settings

Users and services request a token by calling the login service. This service returns a JWT token.

  1. issuer is the name of the token issuer, this should reflect the URI of the API.
  2. secret is the secret that is used for encoding the token, if left empty the FLASK shared secret is used.
  3. lifetime is the token lifetime in seconds, default is 3600.
  4. algorithm is the encryption algorithm for the token, default is HS256.

Database settings

All data is stored in a database, the connection needs to be specified in the configuration. By default we store to memory.

  1. connection specifies the database connection, default is sqlite://
  • example of a mariadb connection: mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test
  • example of a postgres connection: postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase

We use SQLAlchemy, so for all options see engines

LDAP settings

For authenticating users configure an LDAP compliant connection.

  1. host ldap server without protocol.
  2. port ldap port
  3. ssl secure connection
  4. base_dn root for the users
  5. rdn_attr relative distinguished name (usually uid or cn)
  6. login_attr what field to use for username.
  7. bind_user user account that has read access on the base_dn
  8. bind_pass password for bind_user